We lost because we told ourselves we lost.
Leo Tolstoy
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Today's quote
What is your quote for today?
Think Positive Be Positive
Goals are like magnets
Anthony Robbins
Believe in yourself
Norman Vincent Peale
Let nothing trouble you
Norman Vincent Peale
My philosophy is kindness
Dalai Lama
If you can survive 11 days in cramped...
Oprah Winfrey
Attitude is a paintbrush
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
The highest possible stage in moral...
Charles Darwin
Gifts of time and love
History is merely gossip
Oscar Wilde
Other quotes
If you are working on something that you really care about, you do not have...
Kindness makes you the most beautiful person in the world, no matter what...
A man never knows how to say goodbye; a woman never knows when to say it.
I am always in a rush to go home, and do absolutely nothing.
Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.
Who is wise? He that learns from every one.
Give every day the chance to become the most beautiful day of your life.
Why change? Everyone has his own style. When you have found it, you should...
Being the richest man in the cemetery does not matter to me. Going to bed...
The truth is rarely pure and never simple.
Life is short. Live passionately.
Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward...
Family. A little bit of crazy, a little bit of loud and a whole lot of...
Today is life-the only life you are sure of. Make the most of today. Get...
Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of...
Quality is more important than quantity.
I love Mickey Mouse more than any woman I have ever known.
Whoever is happy will make others happy.
My interest is in the future because I am going to spend the rest of my...
Design is a funny word. Some people think design means how it looks. But of...
All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence, and then success is...
That is been one of my mantras - focus and simplicity. Simple can be harder...
When the past no longer illuminates the future, the spirit walks in...
The scariest thing about distance is you don’t know if they’ll miss you...
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