If you want to be happy, be.n
Leo Tolstoy
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Today's quote
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Think Positive Be Positive
Goals are like magnets
Anthony Robbins
Believe in yourself
Norman Vincent Peale
Let nothing trouble you
Norman Vincent Peale
My philosophy is kindness
Dalai Lama
If you can survive 11 days in cramped...
Oprah Winfrey
The highest possible stage in moral...
Charles Darwin
Gifts of time and love
History is merely gossip
Oscar Wilde
Christmas is for everyone, adults and...
Julie Hébert
Other quotes
If you can dream it, you can do it.
Strength does not come from physical capacity, it comes from indomitable...
Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.
You see, in life, lots of people know what to do, but few people actually...
A wise woman puts a grain of sugar in everything she says to a man, and...
Everything is possible. The impossible just takes longer.
The truth is that there is no actual stress or anxiety in the world; it is...
What really matters is what you believe.
Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen.
STAYING POSITIVE does not mean that things will turn out okay. Rather it is...
The most exciting, challenging, and significant relationship of all is the...
Life is short...Live to the fullest...
We can change our lives. We can do, have, and be exactly what we wish.
There are dark shadows on the earth, but its lights are stronger in the...
Life is full of possibilities.
Real love begins where nothing is expected in return.
Friendship… is not something you learn in school. But if you have not...
A moral being is one who is capable of reflecting on his past actions and...
Do not count the days, make the days count.
Success is doing what you want to do, when you want, where you want, with...
The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.
Rise up, start fresh see the bright opportunity in each day.
Life is composed of lights and shadows, and we would be untruthful,...
Straight roads do not make skillful drivers.
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