I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past.
Thomas Jefferson
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Today's quote
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Think Positive Be Positive
It is important to make someone happy
If you want to be happy, be
Leo Tolstoy
Better an oooops, than a what if
The greatest teacher I know is the job...
James Cash Penney
Believe in yourself
Norman Vincent Peale
Tomorrow is a mystery
Eleanor Roosevelt
What you are thinking is what you are...
Muhammad Ali
If plan A does not work
Goals are like magnets
Anthony Robbins
Other quotes
When you have faith, everything is possible.
If there is no dull and determined effort, there will be no brilliant...
Faith. It is all about believing. You do not know how it will happen. But...
They say do not try this at home … so I went to my friends home!
None of us knows what might happen even the next minute, yet still we go...
Just as a candle cannot burn without fire, men cannot live without a...
You are never given anything in this world that you can not handle. Be...
The future has several names. For the weak, it is impossible; for the...
I hope that real love and truth are stronger in the end than any evil or...
I like the religion that teaches liberty, equality and fraternity.
Age does not protect you from love. But love, to some extent, protects you...
My philosophy is kindness.
Age is whatever you think it is. You are as old as you think you are.
Treat your family like friends and your friends like family.
Family is not always blood. It is the people in your life who want you in...
It is just a bad day. Not a bad life.
The scariest moment is always just before you start.
Sometimes the love of your life comes after the mistake of your life.
We are not trapped or locked up in these bones. No, no. We are free to...
Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.
Well done is better than well said.
Kindness makes you the most beautiful person in the world, no matter what...
Just because a person gives advice, does not mean that they have to follow...
The most exciting, challenging, and significant relationship of all is the...
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