Be healthy and take care of yourself, but be happy with the beautiful things that make you, you.
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Today's quote
What is your quote for today?
Think Positive Be Positive
Goals are like magnets
Anthony Robbins
Believe in yourself
Norman Vincent Peale
Let nothing trouble you
Norman Vincent Peale
My philosophy is kindness
Dalai Lama
If you can survive 11 days in cramped...
Oprah Winfrey
Attitude is a paintbrush
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
The highest possible stage in moral...
Charles Darwin
Gifts of time and love
History is merely gossip
Oscar Wilde
Other quotes
My philosophy is kindness.
All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better.
I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet.
It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most...
Respect life, revere life. There is nothing more holy than life, nothing...
Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.
There is no stress in the world, only people thinking stressful thoughts.
The past is your lesson. The present is your gift. The future is your...
I do not have time to think about age. There are so many things to do.
It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.
We should be too big to take offense and too noble to give it.
Live for today, plan for tomorrow, party tonight.
Every new day is another chance to change your life.
If you want to be original, be ready to be copied.
In a gentle way, you can shake the world.
The hardest prison to escape is in your mind.
We are all capable if we have faith and passion.
Do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace.
History is merely gossip.
I wanted to be an independent woman, a woman who could pay for her bills, a...
It is true that Christmas makes us become children again. As we remember...
Does a girl need a reason to look spectacular?
I always say "morning" instead of "good morning", because if it was a good...
I love you. I am who I am because of you.
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